First developer blog
Well as promised here is the dev blog we announced was coming, I know its been a while since that time but that just means more to talk about. Nova has been coming along fantastic however there will likely not be any new content even for beta testers, this is because I'm currently rewriting the entirety of nova and there are major changes to the way nova works on the backend. I can't go too in-depth to these changes but I'll try to explain them at a basic level.
- We are migrating from Javascript to Typescript
- This change affords us lots of benefits during development such as
- Type Safety
- Intellisense auto completion
- For more info click here
- This change affords us lots of benefits during development such as
- We are changing database's from PostgreSQL to MongoDB
- MongoDB is much more suited to the data structures we use within nova
- We will also be using the Bridge-Mongo ORM as it allows for more native manipulation of data
- Novalink is now its own library
- This may not seem like a relevant change but this means having documented methods and classes however this will be beneficial for the future as it means that the novalink system is not thrown together and hard to understand for future developers
These are all very exciting changes (at least they are to me) and you should all have a much stabler and faster experience when using nova, there is still lots to be done but with this dev blog I will try to keep you all updated on development as I am aiming to post once per week at least so look forward to that.
Hope your having a good weekend and I will see you all next week 👋